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Trains from Silchar

Are you traveling from Silchar by train? Do you want to know about all the trains running from Silchar? We have here all the information regarding all train services from Silchar to different palces. The journey from Silchar would be made all the more interesting and beautiful as you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the places that you will cross in your train journey. The Indian Railways has several trains running from Silchar. Get to know all about the list of trains running from Silchar to different places along with the train numbers, arrival and departure time, train fare, the days on which they run and so on.

Trains from Silchar

List of Trains from Silchar Railway Station

Train name: Cachar Express
Train Number: 15692
Departure Time: 07:15 pm    
Arrival time: 06:55 am
Schedule: Daily
Fares: 2A-650,SL-138
Destination: Lumding
Train name: Barak Valley Exp
Train Number: 15694
Departure Time: 09:45 am   
Arrival time: 10:25 pm
Schedule: Daily
Fares: SL-138
Destination: Lumding

Train name: Silchar - Karimganj (Meter Gauge) Passenger
Train Number: 52590    
Departure Time: 06:00 pm
Arrival time12:00 am
Schedule: Daily
Destination: Karimganj Junction

Train name: Silchar - Agartala (Meter Gauge) Passenger
Train Number: 52564    
Departure Time: 06:45 pm    
Arrival time: 12:00 am   
Schedule: Daily
Destination: Agartala

Train name: Silchar Jiribam (Meter Gauge) Passenger
Train Number: 52565    
Departure Time: 07:15pm
Arrival time: 12:00 am
Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Destination: Jiribam

Train name: Silchar Bhairabi (Meter Gauge) Passenger
Train Number: 52567        
Departure Time: 14:50pm   
Arrival time: 12:00 am
Schedule: Daily
Destination: Bairabi

Train name: Silchar - Karimganj (Meter Gauge) Passenger
Train Number: 52584    
Departure Time: 03:35pm   
Arrival time: 12:00 am   
Schedule: Daily
Destination: Karimganj Junction

Train name: Silchar - Dharmanagar (Meter Gauge) Passenger
Train Number: 52578    
Departure Time: 05:00pm     
Arrival time: 12:00 am   
Schedule: Daily
Destination: Dharmanagar

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